Belief in oneself and the ability to successfully tackle the task at hand is key to success in the workplace.
The AFMC Connect focus for August is confidence and centers on growing, developing, and nurturing the self-confidence of individual members of a workplace team. Confidence not only enables a person to complete the tasks assigned, but it also gives them the ability to identify problem areas and recommend solutions that can drive change.
A confident worker is more willing to speak up and share ideas with a group and understands that mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow. Leaders play a key role in developing the confidence in the members of their team by creating nurturing learning environments that enable safe risk-taking by all.
Leaders can help nurture confidence by:
- Identifying team member strengths.
- Providing positive feedback and reinforcement.
- Offering professional development opportunities for growth.
- Creating an environment where mistakes are opportunities to learn.
The AFMC Connect facilitator document for confidence is available at https://www.afmc.af.mil/Portals/13/August%20-%20CONFIDENCE.pdf.
For information on the AFMC Connect program and implementation guidance, visit https://www.afmc.af.mil/Resiliency/Connect/.