HILL AIR FORCE BASE, Utah – The 2022 Federal Benefits Open Season for the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Program, and the Federal Flexible Spending Account Program will run Nov. 14 through Dec. 12.
During the annual Open Season, eligible employees can enroll, change plans or plan options, change enrollment type, or cancel their enrollment for FEHB and the FEDVIP Program. Employees can also re-enroll or newly enroll in FSAFEDS.
Hill AFB will sponsor a FEHB Health Fair from 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Nov. 14-17 in the Wasatch Room at The Landing, where various health insurance representatives will answer questions and provide information regarding their associated health insurance plans and rates.
Elections made during the 2022 Open Season will be effective Jan. 1, 2023, and will be reflected on the leave and earnings statement for pay period ending Jan. 14, 2022.
As a reminder, the Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Program and the Federal Long-Term Care Insurance Program do not participate in the annual Federal Benefits Open Season. Information on cycle FEGLI changes can found at https://mypers.af.mil/app/answers/detail/a_id/22651/p/2/c/89. (Users must access MyPers from a CAC-enabled device or login with a registered username and password.)
There are plans leaving the FEHB Program at the end of 2022 or reducing their service areas and terminating their enrollment codes. Employees in terminating plans or service area reductions with terminating enrollment codes must enroll in a new health plan during open season if they want coverage.
These employees who do not enroll in a new plan will be automatically enrolled in the GEHA Indemnity Benefit Plan Elevate Option, the lowest-cost nationwide plan option for 2022 as determined by OPM. All affected employees will receive notification from the Benefits & Entitlements Service Team, as well as a notification from the carrier.
If members don’t make benefits changes during the 2022 Open Season, they will continue to be covered by the present health plan unless the plan is dropping out of the FEHB program or is reducing its service area. However, benefits, premiums, or coverage options may change.
All affected employees should review the OPM guidance for the 2022 open season before making a selection.
More information on the Open Season and FEHB can be found on the myPers website under Benefits and Entitlements - Health Insurance - Annual Open Season.
Questions regarding Open Season information can be directed to the Total Force Service Center at 800-525-0102.