AFMC Command News

AFIMSC expands eLearning platform to Total Force

  • Published
  • By Malcolm McClendon
  • Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center

The Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center Directorate of Personnel team relaunched the RedVector eLearning platform recently, making it accessible to more Airmen and Guardians to provide broader support for job-mandated training requirements, professional credentialing and licensing.

RedVector offers close to 2,000 courses for professional skill development, continuous learning point credits, and continuing education and professional development units.

For those in the Installation and Mission Support community, it provides certifications for topics in the areas of National Fire Protection Association, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Americans with Disabilities Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Environmental and Energy, Building and Design Codes, Project Management, Facilities, Contractor, Engineering, Architect, and HVAC.

“We continuously seek new options that enable us to further develop our installation and mission support professionals,” Robert Jackson, AFIMSC Personnel Director said. “We’ve seen the success this platform had in a limited capacity, specifically with civil engineers and now we’re making it available to the broader audience as we continue to pursue organizational excellence enterprise wide.”

The Air Force Civil Engineer Center originally tested the platform in 2012 for 20 students at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida. After the initial pilot, AFCEC continued to grow the program until 2017, when AFIMSC consolidated all training programs under the Workforce Development Division.

Félix Colón, program manager, recognized RedVector’s potential and introduced it to Headquarters Air Force Directorate of Force Development to maximize its capability and to close an Air Force-wide training funding gap.

“Every year we are required to do an annual training needs assessment and I saw an opportunity to expand this to a larger audience,” Colón said. “I brought the idea to Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force as part of his Challenge Program, and he liked it. So AFIMSC and HAF (Directorate of Force Development) partnered under a new contract to further fund the program and make this a real Total Force training initiative.”

Since its relaunch in April, RedVector has proven its value and provided costs savings to the Air Force. The average travel and per diem cost for students to attend training is $4,700 per course, not including tuition. By offering the same courses online, RedVector saved the Air Force $6.4 million in 2020 and another $1.9 million since April, Colón added.

“With tools like RedVector, we are optimizing training opportunities to increase lethality, readiness and organizational knowledge across the Total Force,” he said.

To register for RedVector and view courses offered, visit:

Program managers ask enrollees to use work email when registering and to allow one week for confirmation. For any other questions regarding the platform please contact: