AFMC Command News

AFMC Connect April focus: Respect

  • Published
  • By Estella Holmes, Air Force Materiel Command

Respect is a key component of a healthy work environment and the topic of focus for the April 2021 AFMC Connect.

In a workplace of respect, each person is valued, listened to and encouraged to provide input as a member of the team. Respect is extremely important to validating each Airman, and it is what makes a healthy workforce successful.

‘Healthy’ is the key word. The healthy stasis which exists when respect is both given and received results in members who are more committed to the organization. The team members, organization and mission benefit from a respectful give-and-take.

Respect is shown when:

- Respect is given, and in turn, received.

- Individuals are encouraged to share ideas and are listened to in a respectful way.

- Active listening is respectfully given, without judging validity, accuracy, or workability of ideas.

- Respect is conveyed through body language, facial expressions and demeanor.

When facilitating a conversation focused on respect, leaders should discuss with members of the team how they might demonstrate respect towards each other in the work environment. One Airman could define respect in a different way than another based on their individual life experiences.  

A leader can also model respectful behavior to pattern what ‘right looks like’ while simultaneously opening avenues of discussion during office gatherings, meetings and commander’s calls.

Above all, it's important to take action to build and strengthen respect through communication.

More information can be found in the implementation guide for facilitating discussions on respect along with local support sources at