AFMC Command News

DISA renews anti-virus software license agreement helping teleworkers keep machines safe at home

  • Published
  • By Defense Information Systems Agency

Recognizing a need, DISA and the DoD have renewed their anti-virus home use programs.

Anti-virus Home Use Program

The DoD Anti-virus Software License Agreement with McAfee allows active DoD employees to utilize the anti-virus software for home use. Home use of the anti-virus products will not only protect personal PCs, but will also potentially lessen the threat of malicious logic being introduced to the workplace and compromising DoD networks. Contractors are excluded from using the software at home or on any other system not belonging to the DoD.

McAfee Internet Security

As a member of the DoD, employees can now take advantage of a free one-year subscription to McAfee Internet Security for your PC or MAC.

This subscription gives users proactive security for their home PC by preventing malicious attacks and keeping the user safe while surfing, searching and downloading files online. McAfee’s security service also continuously delivers the latest software so protection is never out-of-date.

By installing McAfee software on your home system, users will not only be protecting your PC from malicious threats, but also helping the organization strengthen its information technology security against transferable viruses and spyware.

How to download McAfee Internet Security

  1. Navigate to the website for your applicable platform, either PC or MAC, listed below. In addition, enter the associated “Company Code” in the appropriate field on the webpage:



Company Code




March 22, 2021



March 22, 2021

  1. Enter your DoD email address.
  2. Click “Get Email.”
  3. You will receive an email from McAfee Subscriptions with your unique license key and download link.
  4. Note - Do Not download the software on your Government Furnished Equipment.

Anti-Virus/Anti-Spyware Home Use

  1. DISA Home Use Program instructions can be found here: (CAC Required)
  2. DoD does not provide any technical assistance to home users. Home users seeking technical support can contact McAfee directly on the support website: