Air Force Featured Stories

  • Red Flag-Nellis 24-2 shapes the future of air combat

    Red Flag 24-2 presented a prime opportunity to forge pathways for collaboration with joint services and NATO countries. It showcased the cutting-edge capabilities of fifth-generation F-35 Lightning IIs and sophisticated threat replication techniques.

  • VCSAF visits the SHOC-N Battlelab

    Howard Hughes Operations is part of the 805th Combat Training Squadron’s Shadow Operations Center-Nellis, or ShOC-N. ShOC-N is the Air Force’s primary Advanced Battle Management System Battlelab for experimentation and incubation of new command and control technologies and development of C2 tactics,

  • DoD, Warfare Center partner to introduce 5G technology at Nellis AFB

    On Oct. 8, 2020, the U.S. Air Force Warfare Center announced the award of a Department of Defense contract to build the 5G network infrastructure and support services necessary to establish a dual-use, military and commercial network on Nellis Air Force Base and the Nevada Test and Training Range as