Air Force Featured Stories

  • AF vet uses marathon training to cope with PTSD

    As a disabled Air Force veteran living with post-traumatic stress from military sexual trauma, I’ve had my good days and bad days but all of my hard work over the past two years paid off Oct. 25 when I achieved one of my goals -- completing my first full marathon, the Marine Corps Marathon.

  • BLUE: Charlie Mike to recovery

    In this episode of BLUE, through the fog of post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic injury and illness, American veterans realize that the ability to regain control of their minds and bodies lies within themselves. Wounded warriors talk about how the Air Force Wounded Warrior Care Program has

  • No greater friend

    Service dogs can range from being a person's eyes, sensing a seizure or low blood sugar, to sniffing out improvised explosive devices on the battlefield. For some of the Air Force's wounded warrior athletes, service dogs provide so much more than just physical assistance.

  • A love story: healing the wounded warrior

    He was a young Air Force officer healing from a recent trauma and she was a dedicated single mother of two. Whether it was friends or fate that first brought them together, neither would have suspected that their chance meeting in Florida would be the key to his recovery. Their introduction to each

  • Lessons in compassion

    I woke at 2:30 a.m and found my wife on the floor and erratically painting on a canvas. The painting was of an Airman battle uniform next to a bottle of prescribed depression medication. Streaks and spots of deep red paint blotched the canvas, which also had gashes and holes littered in it because

  • Dogs help vets cope with PTSD, trauma

    Though she was home, Capt. Mary McGriff felt no comfort. She was alone but anxious, quiet but uneasy. She felt no safety behind locked doors. The doctor's words rang fresh in her mind, behind splintered memories of her 2005 deployment to Iraq.

  • DOD officials order disability board results review

    Some Airmen who met a medical or physical disability evaluation board between Sept. 11, 2001 and April 30, 2012 prior to separating from the Air Force may be eligible for re-evaluation, Air Force Personnel Center officials said.

  • Airman reflects on recovery, resiliency

    While driving southbound on I-95 in Virginia in June 2011, an 18-wheeler struck the car behind the then-staff sergeant, creating a chain reaction. The collision resulted in a four-car accident, blowing out all four windows and totaling Barnett's car, leaving her injured.

  • Responder demystifies calling military crisis line for help

    When someone is in crisis and feeling despondent, reaching out for help is a stronger step to take than doing nothing, which can lead to a worsening state, a Military Crisis Line responder told American Forces Press Service Sept. 9.

  • PTSD specialist simplifies stress science

    Tania Glenn, Doctor of Psychology and Licensed Clinical Social Worker, delivered a feelings-free, scientific analysis of the human body's physiological response to high-stress situations to help Air Commandos understand their biological processes downrange during a briefing at the Landing Zone at

  • Website teaches coping skills to military community

    As part of the Integrated Mental Health Strategy, the Defense Department's National Center for Telehealth and Technology and the Veterans Affairs Department's mental health informatics section have partnered to develop an interactive online educational and life-coaching program.