Video by Airman 1st Class Matthew Bergh
Flaming Thunder 2024
111th Attack Wing
Sept. 27, 2024 | 3:54
NATO allies convened in Lithuania for Exercise Flaming Thunder, aimed at bolstering their indirect fire support capabilities through enhanced military cooperation and firepower.

Held from September 23-27, 2024, the exercise focused on strengthening NATO's joint air-ground integration capabilities, with a particular emphasis on Lithuania's Joint Air-Ground Integration Cell (JAGIC) to maximize the effectiveness of indirect fire. Flaming Thunder demonstrated the artillery and coordination expertise of the Czech Republic, Lithuania, the Netherlands, and the United States, within a complex and dynamic operational setting.

The United States participation included key members of the Pennsylvania National Guard's State Partnership Program. The collaboration between the Pennsylvania National Guard and Lithuania has been a cornerstone of U.S. military diplomacy in the region, supporting security cooperation, NATO exercises, and global deployments since 1993. (U.S. Air National Guard Video by Airman 1st Class Matthew Bergh)

Edwards AFB COVID-19 Vaccine Center


What:   Comirnaty (Pfizer/BioNTech)  Fact Sheet:                             

•Primary Series (2 doses) – for all 12 and older
•3rd dose (28 days after 2nd dose) – for Immunocompromised
•Booster dose (6 mo after final dose)–
•For anyone 65 and older
•For 18-65 y.o. with high risk medical condition or high risk for exposure
•Pediatric doses (5-11 y.o.) – pending, will be available via primary care provider

Where: Main MDG campus, Bldg 5525, 30 Nightingale Road

When:  By appointment. Sign up at

•Walk in available during operating hours

Who:    All AD/Beneficiaries/DoD & NAF Employees


OFF-BASE: Free and readily available to everyone at all pharmacies/vaccine centers

•To find a location near you: Text your ZIP CODE to GETVAX (438829) or VACUNA (822862)
•Or visit or


•For AD/Reservists/Beneficiaries – bring in documentation to Vaccine Center or email it to

For Digital Vaccine Record Request:

If you got your COVID-19 vaccine through the state, public health department or pharmacy, you may be able to request a Digital Vaccine record through the California Immunizations Registry (CAIR) by visiting

If you got your COVID-19 vaccine through the 412th MDG/Edwards AFB, you may request your record be sent to CAIR in order to obtain a Digital Vaccine Record, using the following steps:

1. Log into MHS Genesis Patient Portal (use DS Login or CAC card):

2. Send a message to “USAF EDWARDS PHARMACY COMMUNICATION” with phone number and/or email to associate with your vaccine record request.

3. Wait for a reply to your message before requesting through CAIR site (above). 

**Note – it is taking a few weeks to process requests due to overwhelming numbers and backlog. This is a manual data entry push, so please be patient.

Related Websites:

1. Vaccine Safety:

2. Vaccine Booster information:

3. Link for Parents on COVID vaccine from AAP: