Edwards Telephone Directory

Base Operator/Information
(661) 277-1110 or DSN 527-1110

The area code for Edwards and the surrounding area, including Rosamond, Lancaster, Palmdale, Mojave, Tehachapi, Bakersfield and Gorman, is 661. Phone prefixes for Edwards include 277 and 275 for work centers, 276 for NASA Dryden and 258 for the housing areas, and 823 for the Dormitories. The Defense Switched Network, or DSN, prefix is 527 for commercial 277 numbers and 525 for commercial 275 numbers. When dialing from base phones established with a 277 or 275 prefix, it is only necessary to dial 7 or 5, respectively, and the last four digits of the destination number.

***If you notice invalid information, please send an email to 412tw.pa.mediarelations@us.af.mil to coordinate an update.***

Quick Reference List
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y
Name Phone Number
A [top]
Adopt-A-Pet Rescue 258-9525
Aero Club 275-AERO/275-2376
Aerobics Center 275-BFIT/275-2348
Air Force Aid Society 277-0723
After Duty Hours 277-3040
Air Force Test Center Command Section 277-2305
Area Defense Counsel 277-2809
B [top]
Bank, Armed Forces 258-0183
Barber Shop (BX) 277-2946
Base Exchange: Main Store 258-1078
Base Information Transfer System (BITS) 277-3245
Base Operations 277-2222
Beauty Shop 258-5371
Blue Eagles Honor Guard 275-BLUE/275-2583
Burger King 258-5987
C [top]
Car Care Center 258-5091
Car Rental - Enterprise 258-1586
Chapel #1 and #2 277-2110
Chapel After Duty Hours 277-3040
Charley's Eatery 258-1078 x256
Child Development Center 275-TOTS/275-8687
Civil Engineering Emergency Desk 277-3330
Civilian Personnel Office 277-3840
Class Six - Package Store 258-0709
Club Muroc 275-CLUB/275-2582
Command Post 277-3040
Commissary 277-9175
Conference Center 277-2960
Contracting 277-8438
Corvias Military Living 385-6060
Credit Union 277-9639/40 or 661-952-5945
Crime Stops 275-7500
D [top]
Defense Reutilization Marketing Office (DRMO)  277-2209
Desert Jr.-Sr. High School 258-4411
Desert Wings - Newsroom 277-3510
Designated Drivers Program (Alt Command Post) 277-6006
Dining Facility 275-8733 (TREE)
Dry Cleaners/Laundry 258-4606
E [top]
Education Office 277-2713
EMERGENCY (Fire, Paramedic, Security Forces) 911
Environmental Management Customer Support Desk 277-1401
Explosive Ordnance Disposal 277-2162
F [top]
Family Child Care Program 275-4FCC/275-4322
Family Services (Airmen's Attic) 277-2246
Family Support Center 277-0723
Finance 277-4550
Fitness and Sports Center 275-GYM1/275-4961
Fitness Annex 275-GYM2/275-4962
Flower Shop 258-5084
Fogelman's Lounge 275-CLUB/275-2582
FOIA/Privacy Act Office 275-2264
G [top]
Gas Station 258-0008
     North 277-4407
     South 275-0588
     West 277-6582
Golf Course 275-PUTT/275-7888
     Sandbagger Grill 275-SAND/275-7263
H [top]
Health and Wellness Center 275-HAWC/275-4292
High Desert Bowling Center 275-BOWL/275-2695
     Bowling Center Snack Bar 275-ZONE/275-9663
Household Goods - Inbound 277-7888
Household Goods - Outbound 277-7897
Housing Maintenance, Corvias Military Living 385-6051
Housing Office 277-4506
I [top]
Information, Tickets and Travel (leisure) 275-TRIP/275-8747
Inspector General 277-4888
IT Customer Support Center 277-3444
J [top]
L [top]
Legal Assistance 277-4310
Library 275-BOOK/275-2665
     Children's Library 275-READ/275-7323
Lodging (High Desert Inn) 275-ROOM/275-7666
     Lodging Switchboard 258-8335
M [top]
Media Relations 277-4127
Medical and Dental Care
     After-hours Care 277-2330
     Allergy and Immunizations 277-3427
     Central Appointments 277-7118
     Dental Clinic 277-2872
     Flight Medicine 277-7118
     Laboratory 275-2773
     Managed Care Office 277-6969
     Nurse Line 275-NURSE
     Optometry 277-7118
     Pharmacy 277-2052
     Primary Care 277-7118
     TRICARE and Healthnet (888) TRI-WEST
Military Equal Opportunity Office 277-4440
Military Personnel Flight 277-4281
Multimedia Center (audio, photo, video) 277-4710
N [top]
NASA Public Affairs 276-3449
NASA Switchboard 276-3311
O [top]
Oasis Community Center 275-CNTR/275-2687
Operator Assistance 277-1110
Outdoor Recreation 275-CAMP/275-2267
P [top]
Pancho's Lounge 275-CLUB/275-2582
Panda Exprress 258-0755
Pass & ID and vehicle registration 277-4281
Popeye's Chicken 258-1078 x 257
Postal Services
     Military Postal Service 277-4395
     U.S. Postal Service 258-7150
Preferred Plus 275-PLUS/275-7587
Protocol Office 277-3326
Public Affairs Office 277-3510
R [top]
Readiness Office 277-4433
Recycling Center 277-DUMP/277-3867
Red Cross - Lancaster (661) 267-0650
Red Cross - After Duty Hours 277-3040
Retiree Activity Office 277-4931
Riding Club 275-PONY/275-7669
Robin Hood Sandwich Shop 258-4034
Rod and Gun 275-TRAP/275-8727
S [top]
Safety Division 277-7233
Sandbagger Grill 275-SAND
Schools - District Office 258-4356
Security Forces 277-3340
Services 277-3802
Shoppette 258-0709
Skills Center
     Arts and Crafts 275-ARTS/275-2787
     Auto 275-AUTO/275-2886
Speak to the Commander 277-7325
Small Business Office  277-3640
Starbucks 258-4510
Straight Talk Line 277-2345
Stripes Lounge 275-CLUB
Subway Sandwich Shop
     Wolfe Ave 258-7623
     Kincheloe Ave 258-9856
Supply Stock Control 277-8702
Swimming Pools
     Club Muroc 277-3551
     Oasis Aquatic Center 275-SWIM/275-7946
     Youth Pool 277-3552
T [top]
Taco Bell 258-1078 x 258
Tax Assistance 275-ETAX/275-3829
Teen Center 275-TEEN/275-8336
Telephone Information, Base 411
Telephone Repair, Base 611
Temporary Dining Facility 275-TREE/275-8733
Test Wing Command Section 275-4000 or 277-2673
Theater 275-SHOW/275-7469
Thrift Store 277-4294
V [top]
Veterinary Clinic 275-PETS/5-7387
Visitor Control Center 275-9771/9772
W [top]
Weather Forecasting 277-4472
X [top]
Y [top]
Youth Center 275-KIDS/275-5437
Youth Center Annex 275-PLAY/275-7529