Newcomers - Emergency Services EMERGENCIES: 911 NON-EMERGENCIES 95th Security Forces Squadron (661) 277-3340/3341/3343 or DSN 527-3340/3341/3343 Chaplain Duty hours: (661) 277-2110 or DSN 527-2110 After-duty hours: (661) 277-3040 or DSN 527-3040 All on-base emergencies can be reported by calling 911. If using a cell phone, it is not recommended to dial 911, as the call will be relayed to the location of the cell phone service provider. Emergency cell phone calls should be made to the base fire department's communication center at (661) 277-4540 or 277-4541. Paramedic treatment and ambulance service is available 24 hours a day by dialing 911. The 95th Security Forces Control Center is open 24 hours a day. Counseling as provided by a base chaplain is available at any time. Fire department emergency response is provided by a network of five fire stations located across the base. Fire Station 1 provides service to the flightline; Station 2 to the base housing area; Station 3 to the southern portion of the base; Station 4 to the Air Force Research Lab, propulsion directorate; and Station 5 to the northern portion of the base. Fire prevention training is available by calling (661) 277-3643/4621 or DSN 527-3643/4621.