1 00:00:00,009 --> 00:00:02,089 My name is uh Chief Mass Sergeant , 2 00:00:02,099 --> 00:00:04,321 Bill Fitch . I am the command chief for 3 00:00:04,321 --> 00:00:05,932 Air Force Material Command . 4 00:00:17,639 --> 00:00:20,229 So I spent 20 years flying to KC 135 as 5 00:00:20,239 --> 00:00:22,239 a boom operator and 20 years pretty 6 00:00:22,239 --> 00:00:24,350 much in air mobility command , one of 7 00:00:24,350 --> 00:00:27,479 the best times in my career . So I was 8 00:00:27,489 --> 00:00:29,850 a , I was a young airman . Uh you know , 9 00:00:29,860 --> 00:00:32,150 I've been in a couple of years and 10 00:00:32,159 --> 00:00:34,270 you're with the crew and then you can 11 00:00:34,270 --> 00:00:36,529 just go all over the world and do 12 00:00:36,540 --> 00:00:38,869 anything . We took off at a Grand force 13 00:00:38,880 --> 00:00:40,936 North Dakota and we flew into Jersey 14 00:00:40,936 --> 00:00:42,991 and then we picked up some , a force 15 00:00:43,069 --> 00:00:44,902 that we were taking on a foreign 16 00:00:44,902 --> 00:00:47,125 military sales mission to Egypt towards 17 00:00:47,125 --> 00:00:49,069 the end of the day and the sun was 18 00:00:49,069 --> 00:00:51,236 setting and I'm staring at the back of 19 00:00:51,236 --> 00:00:53,458 a KC 135 and I'm looking out the window 20 00:00:53,869 --> 00:00:56,290 and the sun is shining off the , the 21 00:00:56,299 --> 00:00:58,639 silver of these F fours . And I can see 22 00:00:58,650 --> 00:01:01,319 the pyramids in the background . And I 23 00:01:01,330 --> 00:01:03,386 just remember burning that end of my 24 00:01:03,386 --> 00:01:05,449 mind because I was like , this is so 25 00:01:05,480 --> 00:01:08,480 cool . This is so special and I thought 26 00:01:09,309 --> 00:01:12,459 how amazing is this , that I , I get to 27 00:01:12,470 --> 00:01:14,581 do this and that's when I really fell 28 00:01:14,581 --> 00:01:16,748 in love with that job and , and I knew 29 00:01:16,748 --> 00:01:18,970 I wanted to , to make it my lot in life 30 00:01:18,970 --> 00:01:18,830 and be good at it . 31 00:01:23,940 --> 00:01:26,639 You know , the thing that um I'm 32 00:01:26,650 --> 00:01:30,580 probably most proud of is seeing 33 00:01:30,589 --> 00:01:33,370 the people that I've got to support 34 00:01:33,379 --> 00:01:35,959 grow , uh go on and achieve great 35 00:01:35,970 --> 00:01:38,081 things and I stay connected with them 36 00:01:38,081 --> 00:01:41,089 and , you know , get to get to enjoy 37 00:01:41,099 --> 00:01:43,321 their successes . That's where , that's 38 00:01:43,321 --> 00:01:45,210 where I really , um those are the 39 00:01:45,210 --> 00:01:47,099 things that I remember the most . 40 00:01:52,550 --> 00:01:55,599 I live by three things . Work hard . Be 41 00:01:55,610 --> 00:01:57,809 nice and don't talk poorly of others . 42 00:01:57,819 --> 00:02:00,099 My dad was a carpenter , hard work in 43 00:02:00,110 --> 00:02:03,569 that career field usually determines 44 00:02:03,580 --> 00:02:07,510 your reputation , uh be nice . You know , 45 00:02:07,519 --> 00:02:09,519 people just don't like working with 46 00:02:09,519 --> 00:02:11,519 grumpy people , you know , and it's 47 00:02:11,519 --> 00:02:13,741 really just about positive attitude and 48 00:02:13,741 --> 00:02:15,852 then uh don't talk poorly of others . 49 00:02:15,852 --> 00:02:17,519 Um I've developed a couple of 50 00:02:17,519 --> 00:02:19,630 techniques over the years when , when 51 00:02:19,630 --> 00:02:21,852 people start uh saying something poorly 52 00:02:21,852 --> 00:02:24,019 of somebody else , I will quickly stop 53 00:02:24,019 --> 00:02:26,130 them and say something positive about 54 00:02:26,130 --> 00:02:28,352 that person . So they kind of know that 55 00:02:28,352 --> 00:02:30,575 I'm not somebody that's gonna entertain 56 00:02:30,575 --> 00:02:32,686 uh a negative conversation and that's 57 00:02:32,686 --> 00:02:34,686 just not the type of person I , I'm 58 00:02:34,686 --> 00:02:33,759 gonna be , 59 00:02:40,289 --> 00:02:43,009 I'm happy to be hard charging as long 60 00:02:43,020 --> 00:02:45,309 as what's hard charging makes sense and 61 00:02:45,320 --> 00:02:47,389 it's value added . People are really 62 00:02:47,399 --> 00:02:50,470 busy , they're working hard and so 63 00:02:50,479 --> 00:02:54,320 whatever new thing that we need to do 64 00:02:54,330 --> 00:02:56,163 or what change needs to happen . 65 00:02:56,720 --> 00:02:58,831 Everybody needs to be able to look at 66 00:02:58,831 --> 00:03:00,942 it and go , that makes sense . And if 67 00:03:00,942 --> 00:03:03,109 they don't feel that way , then I have 68 00:03:03,109 --> 00:03:05,164 poorly communicated it or we haven't 69 00:03:05,164 --> 00:03:07,610 educated the force enough on what it is . 70 00:03:07,820 --> 00:03:09,970 And so I wanna do everything that we 71 00:03:09,979 --> 00:03:12,389 need to do and I wanna do nothing that 72 00:03:12,399 --> 00:03:12,899 we don't 73 00:03:18,320 --> 00:03:22,190 A F MC is , is really the other side of 74 00:03:22,199 --> 00:03:24,255 the air force . I mean , it makes it 75 00:03:24,255 --> 00:03:26,477 all work . You know , this is a time of 76 00:03:26,477 --> 00:03:28,699 great con consequence , I think for our 77 00:03:28,699 --> 00:03:30,755 nation , we don't really know what's 78 00:03:30,755 --> 00:03:32,699 gonna happen the next two or three 79 00:03:32,699 --> 00:03:34,810 years . And I think everybody , every 80 00:03:34,810 --> 00:03:36,755 uh military member , I think every 81 00:03:36,755 --> 00:03:38,660 civilian airman really needs to 82 00:03:38,669 --> 00:03:41,080 understand that , you know , this , we 83 00:03:41,089 --> 00:03:43,145 could be in a big fight , you know , 84 00:03:43,145 --> 00:03:45,200 hopefully that we're not , but if it 85 00:03:45,200 --> 00:03:47,533 happens that we need to be ready for it . 86 00:03:47,533 --> 00:03:49,533 And so I think that , you know , we 87 00:03:49,533 --> 00:03:51,645 gotta be prepared mentally , we gotta 88 00:03:51,645 --> 00:03:53,645 be prepared physically . I think we 89 00:03:53,645 --> 00:03:55,645 gotta be prepared spiritually , you 90 00:03:55,645 --> 00:03:57,589 know , we gotta have our things in 91 00:03:57,589 --> 00:03:59,700 order to be able to go fight and also 92 00:03:59,700 --> 00:03:59,419 do it for a long time . That's probably 93 00:03:59,429 --> 00:04:01,779 the one thing that I'd say that is on 94 00:04:01,789 --> 00:04:03,678 my mind . I hope , I hope it's on 95 00:04:03,678 --> 00:04:05,678 everybody else's mind too . So that 96 00:04:05,678 --> 00:04:07,789 their , that their Afas in order that 97 00:04:07,789 --> 00:04:09,733 their minds in order we need to be 98 00:04:09,733 --> 00:04:11,733 ready to do what our nation's gonna 99 00:04:11,733 --> 00:04:11,699 call and ask us to do .