1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,000 2 00:00:09,600 --> 00:00:11,822 Airmen who are already serving on their 3 00:00:11,822 --> 00:00:13,933 second enlistment contracts or beyond 4 00:00:13,933 --> 00:00:15,989 are eligible to apply for retraining 5 00:00:15,989 --> 00:00:17,989 into air force specialty codes with 6 00:00:17,989 --> 00:00:20,149 known manning shortages . The window 7 00:00:20,159 --> 00:00:22,370 for volunteer applications is now open 8 00:00:22,379 --> 00:00:25,059 through the end of April 2024 . All 9 00:00:25,069 --> 00:00:27,236 eligible airmen who are vulnerable for 10 00:00:27,236 --> 00:00:29,610 involuntary retraining will be formally 11 00:00:29,620 --> 00:00:32,099 notified in February and are encouraged 12 00:00:32,110 --> 00:00:34,221 to submit an application prior to the 13 00:00:34,221 --> 00:00:35,888 second phase of the process . 14 00:00:36,459 --> 00:00:38,459 Lieutenant General Carolyn Miller , 15 00:00:38,459 --> 00:00:40,515 Deputy Chief of staff for manpower , 16 00:00:40,515 --> 00:00:42,626 personnel and services says advancing 17 00:00:42,626 --> 00:00:44,792 talent management programs allows more 18 00:00:44,792 --> 00:00:47,209 flexibility to keep talented airmen for 19 00:00:47,220 --> 00:00:51,000 the future force eligible air force 20 00:00:51,009 --> 00:00:52,842 aviators have the chance to earn 21 00:00:52,842 --> 00:00:55,669 incentives up to $50,000 a year as part 22 00:00:55,680 --> 00:00:58,009 of a new program to keep rated officers 23 00:00:58,020 --> 00:01:00,020 in the air force , but they have to 24 00:01:00,020 --> 00:01:01,909 apply before September 15th . The 25 00:01:01,909 --> 00:01:03,909 demonstration program is for select 26 00:01:03,909 --> 00:01:06,131 aviators with the highest amounts going 27 00:01:06,131 --> 00:01:08,353 to those who sign contracts three years 28 00:01:08,353 --> 00:01:10,187 before their current active duty 29 00:01:10,187 --> 00:01:13,660 commitment expires . Military aviators 30 00:01:13,669 --> 00:01:15,891 may 1 day use earth's magnetic field to 31 00:01:15,891 --> 00:01:17,669 navigate just like birds do for 32 00:01:17,669 --> 00:01:20,110 migratory routes . That's the aim of 33 00:01:20,120 --> 00:01:22,150 quantum navigation . The technology 34 00:01:22,160 --> 00:01:24,559 would solve GPS issues like inaccuracy 35 00:01:24,569 --> 00:01:26,660 loss of signal or even jamming by 36 00:01:26,669 --> 00:01:28,870 adversaries . The Air Force is 37 00:01:28,879 --> 00:01:30,839 sponsoring research into the tech 38 00:01:30,849 --> 00:01:32,949 recently awarding a contract to a 39 00:01:32,959 --> 00:01:36,330 company called Sandbox A Q one official 40 00:01:36,339 --> 00:01:38,283 with Sandbox AQ says the Air Force 41 00:01:38,283 --> 00:01:41,110 needs alternatives to GPS to operate 42 00:01:41,120 --> 00:01:43,239 effectively in the coming years . And 43 00:01:43,250 --> 00:01:45,361 while quantum navigation won't be a 1 44 00:01:45,361 --> 00:01:48,029 to 1 replacement using earth's magnetic 45 00:01:48,040 --> 00:01:50,400 field will help airmen come home safely . 46 00:01:51,559 --> 00:01:53,781 That's your look around the Air Force . 47 00:01:53,781 --> 00:01:55,489 I'm staff Sergeant , Jasmine Granger .