1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,000 2 00:00:40,279 --> 00:00:42,446 Our senior leaders have been clear and 3 00:00:42,446 --> 00:00:44,668 direct in saying we're dealing with new 4 00:00:44,668 --> 00:00:46,890 technology and we're dealing with a new 5 00:00:46,890 --> 00:00:48,612 threat . We need to go fast in 6 00:00:48,612 --> 00:00:50,723 determining the competitive advantage 7 00:00:50,723 --> 00:00:52,819 of autonomy and how to ultimately 8 00:00:52,830 --> 00:00:54,909 operationalize autonomy for the war 9 00:00:54,919 --> 00:00:58,849 fighter . We are 10 00:00:58,860 --> 00:01:01,630 trying to figure out how to integrate 11 00:01:01,639 --> 00:01:03,700 artificially trained neural networks 12 00:01:03,709 --> 00:01:06,239 trained in a simulation , how to 13 00:01:06,250 --> 00:01:08,361 integrate those into the real world . 14 00:01:08,389 --> 00:01:10,333 In this case , integrate them into 15 00:01:10,333 --> 00:01:12,769 controlling an airplane . We need to 16 00:01:12,779 --> 00:01:15,470 recognize that A I is here , it's here 17 00:01:15,480 --> 00:01:18,129 to stay . It's a powerful tool , 18 00:01:18,139 --> 00:01:20,306 collaborative combat aircraft and that 19 00:01:20,306 --> 00:01:23,089 type of autonomy is revolutionary and 20 00:01:23,099 --> 00:01:25,160 will be the future battle space . 21 00:01:37,309 --> 00:01:39,087 In order to deliver operational 22 00:01:39,087 --> 00:01:41,253 capability . We need to know initially 23 00:01:41,253 --> 00:01:43,480 what the user wants . And so there's an 24 00:01:43,489 --> 00:01:45,459 element of concept refinement that 25 00:01:45,470 --> 00:01:47,526 needs to occur with our war fighters 26 00:01:47,526 --> 00:01:49,470 and with the technologists and the 27 00:01:49,470 --> 00:01:51,692 industry expertise that are available . 28 00:01:51,959 --> 00:01:54,181 One of the things that I love about our 29 00:01:54,181 --> 00:01:56,403 country is the amount of effort that we 30 00:01:56,403 --> 00:01:58,570 put into our people and the value that 31 00:01:58,570 --> 00:02:00,292 our people have working on the 32 00:02:00,292 --> 00:02:02,348 automatic systems . We counted every 33 00:02:02,348 --> 00:02:04,250 life that had been lost over the 34 00:02:04,260 --> 00:02:07,430 decades to mishaps controlled flight 35 00:02:07,529 --> 00:02:09,751 trainin collisions with other airplanes 36 00:02:09,751 --> 00:02:11,918 and each one of those lives . I mean , 37 00:02:11,918 --> 00:02:13,918 that was a person that was loved by 38 00:02:13,918 --> 00:02:15,862 many people . So looking at future 39 00:02:15,862 --> 00:02:18,190 capabilities where the human doesn't 40 00:02:18,199 --> 00:02:21,449 have to be at risk , that is a huge 41 00:02:21,460 --> 00:02:24,539 benefit for this community . Oftentimes 42 00:02:24,550 --> 00:02:26,717 we'll talk about the lieutenant taking 43 00:02:26,717 --> 00:02:28,939 these aircraft to war . We want to make 44 00:02:28,939 --> 00:02:28,619 sure that they are safe , have a 45 00:02:28,630 --> 00:02:30,574 capability that's controllable and 46 00:02:30,574 --> 00:02:32,852 usable and reliable . Most importantly , 47 00:02:32,852 --> 00:02:34,908 adding collaborative aircraft of any 48 00:02:34,908 --> 00:02:36,630 kind and autonomy capabilities 49 00:02:36,630 --> 00:02:38,686 ultimately are going to increase the 50 00:02:38,686 --> 00:02:40,630 lethality and survivability of our 51 00:02:40,630 --> 00:02:42,741 human operators in a high end fight . 52 00:02:42,741 --> 00:02:45,019 So we have basically our expert pilots , 53 00:02:45,019 --> 00:02:47,074 expert engineers who are effectively 54 00:02:47,074 --> 00:02:49,074 the teachers for this autonomy . If 55 00:02:49,074 --> 00:02:51,297 you're say on a football team , they're 56 00:02:51,297 --> 00:02:50,580 the ones who are designing the drills , 57 00:02:50,589 --> 00:02:52,756 giving you scrimmages and then putting 58 00:02:52,756 --> 00:02:54,589 you through a bunch of different 59 00:02:54,589 --> 00:02:56,589 repetitions of a slightly different 60 00:02:56,589 --> 00:02:58,700 scenarios so that you can handle that 61 00:02:58,700 --> 00:02:58,610 situation . And then when you get to 62 00:02:58,619 --> 00:03:00,730 game day , you're going to be able to 63 00:03:00,730 --> 00:03:02,841 handle any situation that gets thrown 64 00:03:02,841 --> 00:03:05,008 at you . Running these neural networks 65 00:03:05,008 --> 00:03:07,175 takes millions and millions of runs of 66 00:03:07,175 --> 00:03:09,341 training runs . You can't do that in a 67 00:03:09,341 --> 00:03:11,880 real airplane . You know , a flight 68 00:03:11,889 --> 00:03:13,833 hour in 16 is tens of thousands of 69 00:03:13,833 --> 00:03:15,667 dollars , but you can do it in a 70 00:03:15,667 --> 00:03:19,589 simulator . A 71 00:03:19,669 --> 00:03:21,891 key to the whole non linear approach if 72 00:03:21,891 --> 00:03:24,550 you will is being able to take a A I 73 00:03:24,559 --> 00:03:28,490 powered system and in a model or in a 74 00:03:28,500 --> 00:03:31,300 simulated environment iterate on that 75 00:03:31,360 --> 00:03:33,529 way faster than real time at the speed 76 00:03:33,539 --> 00:03:36,699 of light . In the span of 24 hours , we 77 00:03:36,710 --> 00:03:38,543 may have trained this thing many 78 00:03:38,543 --> 00:03:40,710 millions of times to do something that 79 00:03:40,710 --> 00:03:42,543 we've only seen once or twice in 80 00:03:42,543 --> 00:03:44,940 reality , technology matures in the SIM , 81 00:03:44,949 --> 00:03:47,029 we bring it into flight on board , 82 00:03:47,039 --> 00:03:49,919 actual crude tactical platforms where 83 00:03:49,929 --> 00:03:52,262 the pilots can effectively go hands off . 84 00:03:52,779 --> 00:03:54,946 We're teaching them in a simulator and 85 00:03:54,946 --> 00:03:56,946 then we're putting them in the real 86 00:03:56,946 --> 00:03:59,057 world and then seeing how that goes , 87 00:03:59,057 --> 00:04:01,112 one of the advantages of test is our 88 00:04:01,112 --> 00:04:03,223 ability to experiment and demonstrate 89 00:04:03,223 --> 00:04:05,001 some of these capabilities in a 90 00:04:05,001 --> 00:04:04,929 controlled environment , both so that 91 00:04:04,940 --> 00:04:07,051 we can get important data and lessons 92 00:04:07,051 --> 00:04:09,273 learned out of it so we can develop our 93 00:04:09,273 --> 00:04:11,218 systems and risk reduce for future 94 00:04:11,218 --> 00:04:13,384 development as well as sure that we're 95 00:04:13,384 --> 00:04:15,440 walking down the right road . One of 96 00:04:15,440 --> 00:04:17,384 the things that sandboxes like the 97 00:04:17,384 --> 00:04:19,440 vista aircraft can do is allow us to 98 00:04:19,440 --> 00:04:21,551 demonstrate some of these concepts or 99 00:04:21,551 --> 00:04:21,184 experiment with these concepts , show 100 00:04:21,195 --> 00:04:23,417 them working alongside fifth generation 101 00:04:23,417 --> 00:04:25,473 aircraft and then we can develop our 102 00:04:25,473 --> 00:04:27,695 systems in the right direction with the 103 00:04:27,695 --> 00:04:29,806 test data to help the developers make 104 00:04:29,806 --> 00:04:33,690 the capability that we want . It's 105 00:04:33,700 --> 00:04:36,510 engaging the simulation first , we make 106 00:04:36,519 --> 00:04:38,686 sure that all of the vista systems are 107 00:04:38,686 --> 00:04:40,839 engaged and healthy . Then we turn on 108 00:04:40,850 --> 00:04:43,059 the A I agent and let it have control 109 00:04:43,070 --> 00:04:45,348 of the aircraft . Good control request . 110 00:04:45,348 --> 00:04:47,514 Test point is loaded copy and clear to 111 00:04:47,514 --> 00:04:49,459 maneuver initially , it just flies 112 00:04:49,459 --> 00:04:51,681 straight level and then it's 321 fights 113 00:04:51,681 --> 00:04:53,792 on , you are clear to maneuver . Copy 114 00:04:53,792 --> 00:04:56,989 agent is aircraft fights on fights on . 115 00:04:57,000 --> 00:04:58,944 You have a set of computers inside 116 00:04:58,944 --> 00:05:01,470 vista and those computers can make the 117 00:05:01,480 --> 00:05:03,929 airplane fly like other airplanes . 118 00:05:03,940 --> 00:05:06,799 You're flying this F-16 , but it feels 119 00:05:06,809 --> 00:05:10,390 like you're flying an F-35 or A B 52 or 120 00:05:10,399 --> 00:05:13,500 a 707 plus . We have multiple data 121 00:05:13,510 --> 00:05:15,510 links . We can actually change the 122 00:05:15,519 --> 00:05:17,408 simulation while we're flying the 123 00:05:17,408 --> 00:05:21,244 airplane . Agent scenario 203 , 124 00:05:21,274 --> 00:05:23,496 test point set up is complete . You are 125 00:05:23,496 --> 00:05:25,718 clear to continue the emphasis there is 126 00:05:25,718 --> 00:05:28,714 simulation and vista are not in states , 127 00:05:28,725 --> 00:05:30,836 right ? They do not exist in a vacuum 128 00:05:30,836 --> 00:05:33,058 by themselves if they were , this would 129 00:05:33,058 --> 00:05:35,003 be a science project , right ? But 130 00:05:35,003 --> 00:05:37,058 instead they're stepping stones to a 131 00:05:37,058 --> 00:05:38,947 future capability and that future 132 00:05:38,947 --> 00:05:41,114 capability will reside on these future 133 00:05:41,114 --> 00:05:43,114 combat . Collaborative aircraft are 134 00:05:43,114 --> 00:05:45,059 nine knots at 310 . We are within 135 00:05:45,070 --> 00:05:47,420 limits . We take the data that we 136 00:05:47,429 --> 00:05:49,540 generate during these tests in flight 137 00:05:49,540 --> 00:05:51,619 on vista and use that to train 138 00:05:51,630 --> 00:05:53,950 artificial intelligence agents on board 139 00:05:53,959 --> 00:05:57,799 the XQ 58 for the X 58 . It's a 140 00:05:57,809 --> 00:06:00,440 low cost runway independent air vehicle 141 00:06:00,570 --> 00:06:02,970 that is rocket launched and parachute 142 00:06:02,980 --> 00:06:05,630 recovered and initially controlled by a 143 00:06:05,640 --> 00:06:06,973 ground patrol station . 144 00:06:07,260 --> 00:06:11,170 321 launch launch 145 00:06:11,179 --> 00:06:11,720 launch . 146 00:06:15,369 --> 00:06:17,369 However , we're going to be able to 147 00:06:17,369 --> 00:06:19,536 switch over to artificial intelligence 148 00:06:19,536 --> 00:06:21,647 driven flight . And in that case it's 149 00:06:21,647 --> 00:06:23,813 all up to the artificial agents to fly 150 00:06:23,813 --> 00:06:25,813 it from there . We're attempting to 151 00:06:25,813 --> 00:06:27,813 build trust in these agents . We're 152 00:06:27,813 --> 00:06:29,925 attempting to ensure that its tactics 153 00:06:29,925 --> 00:06:31,980 and techniques and procedures follow 154 00:06:31,980 --> 00:06:33,758 certain guidelines and rules of 155 00:06:33,758 --> 00:06:35,869 engagement and ethical considerations 156 00:06:35,869 --> 00:06:38,036 as well before we deploy it to be used 157 00:06:38,036 --> 00:06:40,147 that combat collaborative aircraft to 158 00:06:40,147 --> 00:06:42,369 maneuver come stand by for data . Think 159 00:06:42,369 --> 00:06:44,036 of this as the road to future 160 00:06:44,036 --> 00:06:46,147 capabilities both on how we interface 161 00:06:46,147 --> 00:06:48,036 with these systems . In our human 162 00:06:48,036 --> 00:06:50,036 machine interface on board F-22 and 163 00:06:50,036 --> 00:06:51,925 F-35 with our highly instrumented 164 00:06:51,925 --> 00:06:54,147 systems , we can pull that data out and 165 00:06:54,147 --> 00:06:53,619 use it to further mature and develop 166 00:06:53,630 --> 00:06:56,160 these systems . Is proceeding shoreline 167 00:06:56,290 --> 00:06:58,359 5321 168 00:07:00,470 --> 00:07:04,079 2 to 3 is rolling out . We need 169 00:07:04,089 --> 00:07:06,329 industry working alongside academia 170 00:07:06,339 --> 00:07:08,730 working alongside dod in order to get 171 00:07:08,739 --> 00:07:10,961 us to the future state , allowing us to 172 00:07:10,961 --> 00:07:13,183 protect our national security interests 173 00:07:13,183 --> 00:07:15,128 against an adversary that does not 174 00:07:15,128 --> 00:07:16,572 share our values with the 175 00:07:16,572 --> 00:07:18,850 experimentation campaign . We're taking 176 00:07:18,859 --> 00:07:21,519 the autonomous research concepts that 177 00:07:21,529 --> 00:07:23,640 exist in a lab and we're turning them 178 00:07:23,640 --> 00:07:25,807 into operational realities for the war 179 00:07:25,807 --> 00:07:27,751 fighter . We're taking that senior 180 00:07:27,751 --> 00:07:29,559 leader direction and we're moving out .