WEBVTT 00:35.070 --> 00:37.580 it really hasn't been about it because 00:37.590 --> 00:39.870 it wasn't , they couldn't tell us a lot 00:39.870 --> 00:42.037 about it , at least I didn't feel like 00:42.037 --> 00:44.259 they could tell us a lot about it . And 00:44.259 --> 00:46.481 so I just , I felt like he came out too 00:46.481 --> 00:48.592 quickly . Of course I wasn't educated 00:48.592 --> 00:50.648 enough to know much about it . I was 00:50.648 --> 00:52.703 just really hesitant . Um , I didn't 00:52.703 --> 00:54.981 get it the first time the army offered . 00:54.981 --> 00:56.981 Um , I was still reading about it , 00:56.981 --> 00:59.148 just doing a double take and make sure 00:59.148 --> 01:01.600 that it was safe . That was a moral , 01:01.610 --> 01:04.340 that it was ethical . And uh , I came 01:04.340 --> 01:06.340 to the conclusion that the benefits 01:06.340 --> 01:08.284 outweigh the risks . Uh , When the 01:08.284 --> 01:10.820 vaccine first came out , I wasn't very 01:10.820 --> 01:14.530 trusting . At first it came 01:14.530 --> 01:16.697 out not super fast , but it was pretty 01:16.697 --> 01:18.808 quick in terms of like other vaccines 01:18.808 --> 01:21.030 that came out before for other things . 01:22.160 --> 01:25.320 So I was scared and hesitant to get it 01:25.320 --> 01:27.600 at first . That's how I was feeling . 01:27.640 --> 01:31.500 Uh , super relieved . I don't think 01:31.500 --> 01:33.870 anybody in the health care profession 01:33.880 --> 01:35.936 knew that we were going to have such 01:35.936 --> 01:38.590 hesitancy with the vaccine . But 01:38.600 --> 01:40.630 unfortunately with all sorts of 01:40.640 --> 01:42.890 communication methods and social media 01:42.890 --> 01:45.540 that's out there . So much information 01:45.540 --> 01:47.484 is coming from different sources . 01:47.484 --> 01:50.120 Whereas 20 years ago people got their 01:50.120 --> 01:52.287 medical information from their docks , 01:52.287 --> 01:54.453 from their health care providers . And 01:54.453 --> 01:56.287 so now the onus is on the actual 01:56.287 --> 01:58.200 patient to get the information or 01:58.200 --> 02:00.460 understand the information which they 02:00.470 --> 02:02.637 haven't been trained . So , you know , 02:02.637 --> 02:04.650 we talk about as you know , did you 02:04.650 --> 02:06.983 doctor google this , did you , you know , 02:06.983 --> 02:08.983 do something to , to look up on the 02:08.983 --> 02:11.261 internet . All the medical information . 02:11.261 --> 02:13.483 Um , so that has made it very difficult 02:13.483 --> 02:15.539 for us . We're having to spend extra 02:15.539 --> 02:17.594 time with patients to explain really 02:17.594 --> 02:19.761 what the scientific information is out 02:19.761 --> 02:21.928 there and help them make more informed 02:21.928 --> 02:24.039 choices about their own health care . 02:24.039 --> 02:25.983 Colonel Pearson and I have offered 02:25.983 --> 02:28.206 opportunities to the battalions to give 02:28.206 --> 02:30.039 briefings to help to inform them 02:30.039 --> 02:31.983 correctly and have a free dialogue 02:31.983 --> 02:34.094 between us so that they are clear and 02:34.094 --> 02:36.150 we can give them source documents in 02:36.150 --> 02:38.261 places where they can find legitimate 02:38.261 --> 02:40.372 information so that they can not only 02:40.372 --> 02:42.539 educate themselves but as extenders of 02:42.539 --> 02:44.980 medical care , be able to educate their 02:44.980 --> 02:46.924 soldiers when they get down to the 02:46.924 --> 02:48.702 areas where they're going to be 02:48.702 --> 02:50.813 functioning as some of the military's 02:50.813 --> 02:53.950 most awesome medical support systems . 03:03.340 --> 03:05.562 As our training progresses , I realized 03:05.562 --> 03:07.284 more and more why vaccines are 03:07.284 --> 03:09.790 important And that kind of helped push 03:09.790 --> 03:12.440 me to get the vaccine when I came here 03:12.440 --> 03:14.662 and started learning more about the job 03:14.662 --> 03:16.607 I was gonna be doing . I'm working 03:16.607 --> 03:18.940 around sick people and things like that . 03:18.940 --> 03:21.162 Just medical in general . I felt it was 03:21.162 --> 03:23.329 better for like not only my safety but 03:23.329 --> 03:25.496 now patients and casualties that would 03:25.496 --> 03:27.551 be taken care of just to get it . It 03:27.551 --> 03:29.662 doesn't take anything away from you . 03:29.662 --> 03:31.773 So I think it came down to having the 03:31.773 --> 03:33.662 father who's aging and he got the 03:33.662 --> 03:36.120 vaccine and I'm here for dad . So we'll 03:36.120 --> 03:38.540 do it for dad . It's really interesting 03:38.540 --> 03:40.596 to me , like some of the reasons why 03:40.596 --> 03:42.596 people are deciding not to take the 03:42.596 --> 03:44.720 shot . Most of it is mis or 03:44.720 --> 03:46.664 disinformation or things that were 03:46.664 --> 03:48.387 passed down . Kind of like the 03:48.387 --> 03:50.498 telephone game when we were younger , 03:50.498 --> 03:52.664 it just gets passed down and it's just 03:52.664 --> 03:54.831 simply not true . But yet , you know , 03:54.831 --> 03:56.998 I'm the emergency room provider , they 03:56.998 --> 03:58.998 come to see and when they're really 03:58.998 --> 04:00.942 sick and like I said , this is the 04:00.942 --> 04:02.998 pandemic of the unvaccinated . We're 04:02.998 --> 04:05.220 gonna give them , we're gonna throw the 04:05.220 --> 04:05.120 kitchen sink at them . I mean , this is 04:05.120 --> 04:07.231 their life . Well , first I will want 04:07.231 --> 04:09.760 to know their why because I think that 04:09.760 --> 04:12.140 once we kinda let them know that first 04:12.140 --> 04:14.196 of all , I'm not attacking you , I'm 04:14.196 --> 04:16.473 not trying to force you to do anything . 04:16.473 --> 04:18.696 But I want to understand your why , why 04:18.696 --> 04:20.751 is it that you're reluctant And then 04:20.751 --> 04:22.918 once I know the why based on what that 04:22.918 --> 04:25.140 is , I can address that and I can again 04:25.140 --> 04:27.362 give them the source documents that can 04:27.362 --> 04:29.307 help them to feel more comfortable 04:29.307 --> 04:29.220 about making the decision , not just 04:29.220 --> 04:30.942 for themselves , but for their 04:30.942 --> 04:32.998 community , for their loved ones and 04:32.998 --> 04:34.998 for the folks that they're gonna be 04:34.998 --> 04:37.670 working with , even with having mild 04:37.670 --> 04:39.781 symptoms in the beginning , let's not 04:39.781 --> 04:42.590 forget it's a process . So although 04:42.590 --> 04:45.260 you're starting with mild symptoms or 04:45.270 --> 04:47.430 no symptoms . Those symptoms can 04:47.430 --> 04:49.597 quickly escalate to something that can 04:49.597 --> 04:51.652 be significantly worse that can land 04:51.652 --> 04:55.650 you in the emergency room or in the ICU . 05:03.640 --> 05:05.807 I mean , I was talking about dad about 05:05.807 --> 05:08.590 it too because his job is making it 05:08.590 --> 05:11.080 mandatory for him to get it . And he's 05:11.080 --> 05:13.247 been asking me questions and I've been 05:13.247 --> 05:15.413 not really pushing , but I'm trying to 05:15.413 --> 05:17.636 encourage , I'm trying to be an example 05:17.636 --> 05:19.570 to him that like , it's not a bad 05:19.580 --> 05:23.010 vaccine that he should definitely get a 05:23.020 --> 05:25.650 not for his safety black as my family's 05:25.650 --> 05:27.650 safety as well . And that's kind of 05:27.650 --> 05:30.700 what I'm doing as well . Don't don't be 05:30.700 --> 05:32.867 scared to do something that's going to 05:32.867 --> 05:35.033 better yourself and others . Because I 05:35.033 --> 05:37.144 was in the same spot , I read all the 05:37.144 --> 05:39.640 news and all the things that people 05:39.640 --> 05:41.640 were saying . You know , this could 05:41.640 --> 05:43.807 happen , This could happen . But , you 05:43.807 --> 05:45.973 know , I saw my battle buddies getting 05:45.973 --> 05:48.870 it done . I got the vaccine and it's 05:48.880 --> 05:51.520 nothing bad has happened to me . Uh , 05:51.530 --> 05:54.630 get it , get it . It's still 05:54.630 --> 05:57.650 effective vaccines . Work , 05:58.040 --> 06:01.870 vaccines work . There's been this 06:01.880 --> 06:04.102 hesitation to get vaccines for over 100 06:04.102 --> 06:07.280 years before that inoculation . We're 06:07.280 --> 06:09.640 always improving science and we're 06:09.640 --> 06:11.751 always working and it helps me to get 06:11.751 --> 06:11.860 back to work