AFMC Command News

AFMC to host AAPI mentoring event May 17

  • Published
  • By Marisa Alia-Novobilski
  • Air Force Materiel Command

The Air Force Materiel Command will host a Cross-Cultural Mentoring Panel in conjunction with Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month on May 17 at 2 p.m. ET. The virtual event is open to all AFMC uniformed and civilian Airmen, and U.S. Space Force Guardians.

Panel members include:

  • Lt. Col. Lady Noreen Simmons, Chief, Capabilities Integration Branch, Headquarters, AFMC
  • Chang H. Suh, Principal Strategist for Organizational Culture, Headquarters, United States Space Force, Pentagon, Washington, DC
  • Brittanie Ngo, IT Project Manager, 412th Communications Squadron, Edwards AFB
  • Jeffrey J. Moore, Chief, Foreign Military Sales, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center
  • Edward Yong, Test Branch Chief, Combatant Command C2 Division, AFLCMC

KrisRyan Borsil, the Affirmative Employment Program Manager at the 412th Test Wing, Edwards AFB, will serve as moderator at the event.

This event is part of a series of mentoring events held in conjunction with special observance months. The events are hosted by the AFMC Major Command Barrier Analysis Working Groups and focus on issues related to the groups celebrated during the special observance period.

The link for the ZoomGov event will be sent to all AFMC personnel via internal communication channels.

Personnel can submit questions for the panelists prior to the event by emailing

Additional information on AFMC Mentoring and upcoming events is available at